Our giving represents an act of worship in which we thank God for our blessings and acknowledge that everything we have is a gift from God.

Our giving represents an act of Worship in which we thank God for our blessings and acknowledge that everything we have is a gift from God. Your contributions are used to support our missions, programs, events, community outreach, Sunday services and the ongoing costs of maintaining our facility. Your gifts help to answer God’s voice as we are called into the world to live out our faith as Christ’s hands to serve.
For questions about how to give please contact Todd Olson at [email protected] or send us mail at First Presbyterian Church, 508 Franklin Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417.
You may choose to give using our secure Realm online giving portal. There you may make a one-time gift, or set up a schedule of giving. Need help singing into Realm? Please contact Tina Ramones in the church office at [email protected].
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Complete a "Giving Made Easy" form available in the church office. This is an electronic transfer from your checking or savings account to the church.
Text to Give
You may also text to give. Simply texting "FPGH" to 73256 will bring you to our secure giving portal.
When the offering plates are passed during worship or mail directly to our offices.
Your pledges help us know how we can proceed as planned with ministry in the year to come. You may complete a pledge form at church or click on "Pledge" above.
Ferry Legacy Society/Planned Giving
Include First Presbyterian Church in your will or trust to strengthen and extend the church's ministries and programs for future generations.
First Presbyterian Church strives to be a beacon of hope and comfort for its members and friends, the community, and the world.
There are many reasons why each of us commits to being a member at First Pres. For some, it’s the pastors and the worship services; for others, it’s the children’s and youth programs; for others still, it is the opportunity to continue to learn and grow in faith. First Pres is our spiritual home, and each of us is vital to the health and life of our church.
An estimate of giving is a commitment of financial support for the upcoming fiscal year. Typically payments are made in increments – weekly, monthly, or quarterly. You can give to the church without submitting an estimate of giving, of course. But submitting an estimate of giving allows the church’s leadership to budget with confidence for the coming year. It is very helpful to know how much income can be expected before making commitments regarding expenses.
To complete an Estimate of Giving for 2023, click here.
There are many ways to decide how much to give. One traditional way is “percentage giving,” calculating your giving by a percentage of your annual income. This is a biblical practice – dedicating the “first fruits” of your labor right off the top, rather than offering what remains after all other expenses are taken care of. Traditionally a tithe is understood to be 10%. Some people at First Pres give at this level, but not everyone is able to do so. If you are a first-time giver, consider giving 3-5%. If you already give annually, challenge yourself to raise the percentage of your giving with each new year. No matter what you give, the point is to discover and commit to a level of giving that honors God’s generosity to you and that increases your joy.
Another way for you to give to the church is by giving the gift of your time. First Pres could not function without the generous donations of our members’ time and talents. To find out about some of the available opportunities, click here.
If you would like to complete an Estimate of Giving for 2025, click here.