At First Pres, we strive to create an environment where students can be themselves. Students are invited to join in on any of our youth faith formation experiences exactly as they are. We invite all 5th-12th grade students to join us in a deeper life with Christ and the wider church family.
Interested in being a youth leader? Click here to download the volunteer form. For more information, contact Pastor Kristine at [email protected].
Are you graduating this year? Download and complete the Hillis Scholarship Application and turn it in to the church office by April 1, 2025. This is not a need-based scholarship.

Sunday Night Youth Group
Our Sunday night programming is designed for 5-12th grade students seeking a safe space to explore their faith and develop friendships with peers. Our time together includes games, Worship, dinner, small groups and age-appropriate Bible-based discussion.
All 5th -12th graders are invited to youth group on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:30 p.m. There will be dinner, games, hanging out, and a time to talk about how a faith in Christ applies to our daily lives.
For more information please contact one of our youth ministry staff members:
Pastor Kristine Aragon Bruce: [email protected]
Youth Events
Each year, we come together for several special events and celebrations. These include:
Halloween Party
Christmas Party
Winter Retreats
Service Opportunities
Summer gatherings
For up-to-date information about our current special events, please click here!
College Age Ministry
We recognize that college is an exciting time of growth, questions, and new experiences for young adults. To care for and love students who have graduated from the youth programs, we send care packages and encouraging notes throughout the year.
Interested in mentoring a college student? We have several students who long to stay connected to First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven even from far away. Mentoring a student means connecting via email or phone calls, meeting for coffee when the student returns home and sending letters of love and encouragement throughout the year. These relationships are opportunities for the mentor and college student to learn with and from one another.
For more information, contact Hannah Post at [email protected].
Youth Mission and Service
Students are invited to serve at a community and global level in a variety of ways. Our goal when attending these trips is never to “fix” or “save” individuals. We value coming alongside ongoing ministry with local leaders to learn how they serve.
Each summer, we offer week-long immersion service trips in the following ways:
- 6-8th Grade: Trips are local or within the U.S. We strive to introduce students to churches who have ongoing missions with their communities so we can learn how other worship bodies care for their neighbors.
- 9-12th Grade: Trips rotate between serving communities with the U.S. and joining our mission partners in Orange Walk, Belize. First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven began a relationship with Koinonia Ministry in 2019. In addition to providing hands-on service with trips, we also provide funds for their ongoing children and youth programs.