Get Involved
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. –1 Corinthians 12:12
We are all called to share the gifts and talents God has given each of us to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. Here are a few ways you can do so here at First Pres:

Contact: Maryanne Beery, Director of Music and Fine Arts [email protected]
- Audio Visual-Help out at the sound booth to make sound, lighting and any visuals run smoothly during worship.
- Geneva Choir– Love to sing? The Geneva Choir practices on Wednesday evenings. We’d love to have you join us!
- Carillon Ringers-Join the First Pres Bell Choir! All levels of experience are welcome. Practices are on Wednesday evenings right before the Geneva Choir practices.
- The Gathering Band-Play an instrument or love to sing? Would you like to do so at the 11am Gathering Service (Contemporary service)? The Gathering Band that leads worship at this time would love to have you!
- Usher or Greeter -Interested in being the first person to make a visitor feel at home? Serve as an usher or greeter at either the 9am or 11am worship service! Contact the church office [email protected] for more information.

Contact: Laura Burns, Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected]
Do you love to work with children and desire to see them grow in their faith? There are numerous ways you can volunteer within children’s ministries. We are always looking for volunteers for Sunday mornings in the following ministries:
- Infants (Infant-4yrs)
- Bible Friends (Toddlers-Preschool)
- Children in Worship (Y5-4th grade)
To learn more about Children’s Ministries please visit our children’s ministry page.
Contact: Maddie Lambert, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Tommy Langejans, 5th and 6th grade Ministry Coordinator
[email protected]
Do you love working with youth and desire to see them grow in their faith in Jesus Christ? There are many ways to get involved in youth ministry here at First Pres. We are always looking for Youth Leaders on Sunday nights who are committed to building relationships with youth and helping them build relationships with one another. Click here to find out more!
- Confirmation mentors
- Mentors for college-aged students
- People who’d like to make dinner for the youth group!
Learn more about Youth Ministry at First Pres.

Contact: Rev Kristine Aragon Bruce [email protected]
At First Pres we strive to create space for people to grow in their faith in Christ through the study of God’s word and prayer in the context of community. There are numerous Sunday morning classes as well as small groups, discussion groups, and book groups that meet during the week. Please visit our Adult Ministries page for more information or contact Rev Kristine Aragon Bruce for more info.