First Presbyterian offers many ways for adults to interact and build relationships with one another as they grow in their faith. Whether it’s a Sunday morning Christian education class, a midweek Bible study or a discussion group, there’s something for everyone. We hope you will dive right in and get involved. For more information contact Rev Kristine Aragon Bruce at [email protected].

Adult Classes
For questions about any of the offerings below please contact the office at [email protected].
The Life and Works of C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis was one of the most influential Christian thinkers and authors of the 20th century, best known for his significant contributions to Christian theology through works such as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. He also captured the imaginations of millions with his celebrated fantasy and science fiction, including the beloved Chronicles of Narnia. The five-week series is taking place on Wednesdays at noon, from February 5th through March 5th, and is led by Dr. Dale Sullivan, Emeritus Professor of English, North Dakota State University.
Class Schedule:
Week 1 (February 5): Introduction to the class, sharing past experiences with C.S. Lewis, a brief review of his life and writings, and an introduction to Mere Christianity. Discussion will follow.
Watch Video
Week 2 (February 12): Introduction to The Chronicles of Narnia. Discussion.
Week 3 (February 19): Introduction to C.S. Lewis’s science fiction trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength). Discussion.
Watch Video
Week 4 (February 26): Introduction to Till We Have Faces. Discussion.
Watch Video
Week 5 (March 5): Introduction to The Great Divorce. Class review.
The Greatest Hits of the Bible: Old Testament Edition
This spring, our Sunday morning Faith Formation class series will align with the sermon series running from January 5 to March 2, exploring The Bible’s Greatest Hits: Old Testament Edition.
Join us as we dive deeper into some of the most captivating and beloved stories from Scripture, including:
· The Call of Moses
· The Crossing of the Red Sea
· The Giving of the Ten Commandments
· Balaam’s Donkey
· Joshua and the Spies
· The inspiring tales of Deborah, Gideon, Samson, and Ruth
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with these timeless stories in a fresh and meaningful way! Class is led by Dr. Matt Bruce and meets in the Recreation Room between worship services (10-11 a.m.).
If you aren’t able to attend class, or want to see it again, watch the videos below:
The Wired Word
The Wired Word is a group that discusses the intersection of our faith and the latest headlines. If you wonder where Jesus Christ is in the midst of a pandemic, political divisiveness, or a mass shooting, the Wired Word is a great place to ask these questions.
Class meets on Sundays between worship services (10-11 a.m.) in rooms 16/17 on the lower level. All are welcome!
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Wired Word will meet only when the “How to Read the Bible” class is on break. If you have a question about the schedule, please contact the church office (616-842-6760).
Led by Melisa Overway
What: Whole body worship, yoga through a Biblical lens, meditation, prayer, rest
Who: All are welcome
When: The 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 7-7:45 p.m.
Where: In the Chapel
Bring: Yoga mat, water (optional: block, pillow, blanket, eye pillow)
Participants will transition slowly from posture to posture, typically finishing with deeper, more static stretching as we surrender our hearts to God and create space for rest and worship.

Adult Groups
Small Groups
There are various small groups that meet on a weekly basis, such as a women’s group that meets on Monday afternoons and a men’s group that meets on Tuesday evenings, just to name a few. All are welcome to any of them! Questions? Please contact Rev. Kristine Aragon Bruce [email protected].
P.W. (Presbyterian Women) Bible Studies
Various groups within P.W. known as “Circles” meet monthly. In Conjunction with a Bible Study there is also a mission focus for each P.W. Circle. All women are welcome! Please contact Sue, the PW Chairwoman, for more information: PW Chairwoman.
The circles are always glad to welcome new participants. Consider joining one of the circles that fits your schedule:
· Jane Bottje Circle, 10:30 a.m., first Monday of the month, contact Margaret Wiegert: 616-842-7161
· Ferry-White Circle, 10 a.m., first Thursday of the month, contact Pat Elenbaas: 517-290-0625
· Eight Founders Circle, 1 p.m., first Thursday of the month, contact Nita Pellegrom: 616-846-1805
· Albee-Duverney Circle, 7 p.m., first Thursday of the month, contact Lynn VanderMeer: 616-842-7037
Discussion Groups
There are various discussion groups that meet during the week.
Monday Afternoon Bible Study – Grow in your faith and learn more about God’s Word in a supportive and welcoming small group setting. This group meets from 1-2:30 p.m. in the Conference Room. There will be no meeting 1/20-1/31 so everyone can participate in Calvin’s January Series.
Beginning Feb 3, 2025 the study will be “The last Week” by Marcus Borg finishing March 31, 2025. A new study will start after Easter.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study, Come and discuss the featured book with fellow friends and meet others who are all on journeys to learn more about faith and what the Bible tells us. The group is open to all and meets in the lounge on Tuesdays from 9:30-11 a.m. The group will be using N. T. Wright’s Bible Study on Acts.
Tuesday Night Men’s Group – This group is open to all men and meets in the Conference Room on Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m.
Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Russ’ Restaurant, 7 a.m. – This weekly gathering is a relaxed and welcoming opportunity to explore the scripture passages that will be the focus of the upcoming Sunday sermon. Together, we’ll reflect on the text, share insights, and engage in thoughtful discussion. Whether you’re a seasoned Bible scholar or just starting to explore your faith, you’ll find a supportive community eager to learn and grow alongside you.
Feel free to come hungry! Russ’ serves up delicious breakfasts, and there’s nothing better than good food paired with great conversation.
No need to RSVP—just show up with your Bible, a curious mind, and a heart ready to connect.
Thursday Night Discussion Group – Meeting in Fellowship Hall on Thursday evenings from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m., the discussion group offers an opportunity for group members to learn from each other and noted authors in an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding.
On April 10, we will complete our study of Mother Teresa: A Simple Path, compiled by Lucinda Varney, as we discuss “The Fruit of Love Is Service” and “The Fruit of Service Is Peace.”
We will not meet on Maundy Thursday, April 17.
From April 24 through May 22, we will be discussing The Flawed Family of God: Stories about the Imperfect Families in Genesis by Carolyn B. Helsel and Song-Mi Suzie Park.
Please contact Sally Dunn for more details.
Earth Care Team
First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven is a certified Earth Care Congregation. The Earth Care team is committed to offering educational resources and service opportunities for people to actively care for God’s creation throughout the year. The ECT also works with the session to maintain and upgrade our facilities to ensure our buildings and our grounds will use energy efficiently and conserve resources.
To learn more and to get involved please email us at [email protected]. To learn more about what it means to be an Earth Care Congregation please review the content at our Earth Care Team’s website: