Ferry Legacy Society & PlannedGiving
Making a legacy gift is not just for those who have wealth or special financial expertise, but for anyone who wants to designate their gifts while they are living. Legacy gifts – whether large or small – combine to create a vision of abundance for the church’s future, ensuring the continued vitality of its mission and ministries long after we are gone.
Giving FAQ
The Ferry Legacy Society is named for Rev. William Montague Ferry, the founding pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven in 1836. Its purpose is to honor living members and friends who include the church in their wills, trusts or other types of legacy gifts. Ferry Legacy Society members’ names are recognized on leaves of the legacy tree in the church Gathering Area or shown as “Anonymous” if you prefer your plans to remain confidential.
Planning a legacy gift is not just for those who have wealth or special financial expertise, but for anyone who wants to designate their future gift while they are living. God calls us to make wise and faithful choices about the use and designation of our property. By planning our future gifts now, we are helping to ensure the vitality of the church’s mission and ministries long after we are gone.
Watch a video message on Legacy Giving from Rev. Dr. John Buchanan here.
Thoughtfully planned, any of these giving options may provide important personal benefits while supporting First Presbyterian Church ministries into the future.
- Bequest through your will or trust
- Retirement assets (pension plans, IRAs)
- Life income gift through a trust
- Charitable gift annuities
- Charitable remainder trust
- Donor advised fund
- Specific bequests: you may leave specific cash, securities, or property
- Residuary bequests: You may gift the remaining balance of your estate after all specified distributions are made and obligations have been satisfied.
- Contingent bequests: You may gift the estate if you or more of the beneficiaries do not survive the benefactor.
God calls us to make wise and faithful choices about the use and disposition of our property. By planning our future gifts now, we are responding to a multitude of blessings in our lives. Planned gifts — whether large or small — ensure the continued vitality of the church’s mission and ministry long after we are gone.
Every will, living trust or other charitable bequest is unique and should be structured to fit the needs and estate plan of each individual according to state laws. As with any decision regarding legal and financial matters, you should consult your own attorney, accountant, trust officer, life insurance professional or investment advisor to compose or amend your will or living trust.
If you need help with additional information, please contact Todd Olson, Church Administrator, at (616)842-6760 or [email protected] with any questions you may have. Please complete the brief on-line form by clicking here.
You may wish your bequest or other legacy gift to be unrestricted, giving the church the flexibility to use it where it is needed most. If you are considering a bequest to a designated fund, please discuss it with us before finalizing your plans. Please contact the office for the FPGH tax id number.

Have you already included First Presbyterian Church in your will or estate plan? Please click here to let us know. We would like to include your name on our “Giving Tree.”
From our Pastor
God has been about the work of salvation for all time, particularly through the church for 2000 years. In Acts, the Apostle Peter preaches that “the promise is for you and your children” (Acts 2:39). For generations we have benefitted from the ways one generation to the next has stewarded this promise.
The Ferry Legacy Society is one way FPGH is making sure that we have the ability to share the love of Jesus for generations to come. My family has joined, and I hope you’ll consider joining as well. It’s part of how we can use God’s blessings in our lives for the purpose of the gospel for generations to come.
In Christ,
Pastor Troy