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Many churches, including ours, use Advent wreaths to mark the passing of the four weeks in Advent. Come make your own Advent Wreath to use at home.  

We’ll decoupage–(glue plus tissue paper collage) votive candle holders to make your own Advent candles.  We have a small devotion for you to take home to help you use your Advent Wreath. Each week during Advent, we’ll invite you to light your (battery-operated) candle(s), read a short Bible passage, and say a prayer together as we prepare our hearts and homes for Jesus.  

We’ll close our night together with a Gratitude Hot Chocolate Bar, where we will pray our gratitude to God and sharing in cups of hot cocoa with extra trimmings. I hope you can join us for Family Advent night on Friday, November 18.  

Contact Laura Burns, [email protected], with questions and to RSVP.


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