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Join us for Family Advent night!

For infants-4th grade & their families:

You’ll be crafting your very own set of 24 ornaments that correlate with the Jesus Storybook Bible. Then at home, you ‘ll follow the reading plan of one story a day, from December 1-24. After reading the story together,
you’ll hang your ornament representing that story.

Following this pathway of 10-minute bedtime stories, you’ll see God’s one big story arc like never before. God loves us with a “never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love.”

To help us with planning, please RSVP to Laura [email protected]. We’ll supply everything you need (adults may wish to bring a pair of their own adult-sized scissors).

I hope you’ll join us for family Advent Night and a hot chocolate gratitude bar.

For 5th & 6th graders:

We’ll be making no-sew tie fleece blankets that will be donated to children at Devos Children’s Hospital to spread love, hope, joy, and peace to those who are ill.


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