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All are invited to a community Bible study led by Fr. Jared Cramer from St. John’s Episcopal Church, and Pastors Kristine Aragon Bruce and Troy Hauser Brydon from First Pres GH. The three pastors worked together to write the Bible Study entitled “For Such a Time as This.”
This 11-week Bible Study invites participants to engage with Scripture and how the Ottawa County Unifying Coalition statement draws from Scripture. Please visit www.unifyingchristians.com for more information on the statement and the OCUC.
The hope is that participants discover how one’s faith in Jesus Christ and being in God’s word influences one’s civic engagement, especially when it comes to the deeply problematic movement of Christian Nationalism. Everyone is welcome to participate. Also, feel free to bring your lunch. We hope you can make it and as always invite a friend!
Note: this group will alternate meeting locations betweenSt. John’s Episcopal and First Presbyterian Church, beginning Tuesday, April 9th, @ St John’s (across the street from FPGH)
Please contact Pastor Kristine with any questions: [email protected]

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